


Holy Bible App

YouVersion Bible App

Already installed on over 660 million unique devices all over the world, the Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online at

Churchome App

Churchome App

If you would like to make a decision to follow Jesus, get prayer or connect with Churchome community, reach out to us on pastor chat on the home screen.

bible, scripture, book

The VulcanWay Training Center 

Are you struggling with mental health? Maybe Bible verses can help. Come read and rehearse with me in the Metaverse.


Oral Roberts University

Christian University

Oral Roberts University is a Christian university located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a globally recognized, Holy Spirit-empowered university, we develop whole leaders for the whole world through a unique Whole Person education. Students come to ORU not to “stay” in their faith but to GROW in faith and to become the Spirit-empowered leaders they are called to be.

Virtual Reality Church

Virtual Reality Chuch

Finally, if you are completely lost and would like a personal guide, please contact them on Discord and ask for a VR Church Host. They will guide you all along the way.

Radio & Television

Spirit 105.3

Spirit 105.3

Trinity broadcasting network

Trinity Broadcasting Network


Fulfilling your God given destiny written by Pastor Casey Treat

Fulfilling your God given destiny written

by Pastor Casey Treat
